Equipment, props and gathering items.

We rented out the green screen room as there was great lighting already set up .

We rented a Blackmagic Pocket 4K, a colour chart and a gold light reflector from the kit room. We also later realised we needed a Ronin to stabilize the shot as it was such a tight shot that any small movement was noticeable.

then found a random assortment of shiny jewellery to use in the shot, as well as some stones, that I cleaned up. I also found some flint.

We found some stones and flint, which were cleaned up. We then used some varnish to make the shone look wet and shiny and used some fake plant like materials.

A huge factor in getting this to work as best as possible is finding a screen with as high a pixel density as possible. This means that the screen will be showing the most sharp natural looking possible, The best I could find in the university was a large 4k screen that I wheeled with the help of the AV team into the green screen room.

The footage shown on the TV needed to be 4k as to be as high resolution, this is some stock footage we found to use,

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