We shot on braw to retain as much data as possible.
Using Davinci resolve I applied a LUT to bring the colour space to rec709 and ,then tweaked the colours a lot.

The lightning behind this shot worked fantastically as when the lightning flashed the stones and the ring lit up accordingly.
The problem is that out use of an LED screen has made the light too blue.
We pulled back some of the blue output

The reflections on the stones were realistic but also extremely blue due to the screen.

Rotoing out the the reflections proved useful, where the colour could be corrected to be more white.

This improved the reflections, but the sky still looked slightly artificially blue.

After sorting the colours out in Da Vinci, we bout the dpx export into Nuke
There were some reflections on the screen that needed to be roto’d out using a minus merge

We then tracked the footage.

Using the tracking data, we removed the jitter in the shot. There was a lot of jitter because the shot was so tight.